Saturday, September 23, 2006

Beautiful Speech by Prophet Muhammad on Ramadān

This is a summary of a khutbah (speech) by the Prophet Muhammad (may Allāh bless him and give him peace) on the holy month of Ramadān. Always eloquent and succinct, his words provide a powerful reminder of how to approach this month.

O people! The Month of Allāh the High has come with blessings, mercy and forgiveness. To Allāh, this month is the best month. Its days are the best days, its nights the best of all nights, its hours the best of all hours. And this is the month which you have been invited to be the guests of Allāh and you have become the graced ones by Allāh.

Your souls in it are glorification (of Allāh).
Your sleep in it is worship.
Your deeds in it are accepted.
Your prayers in it are answered.

So ask your Lord with truthful intentions and pure hearts that He would grant you success in fasting and reading His book. For that the unfortunate is the one who forbids Allāh’s forgiveness in this great month. With your hunger and thirst, remember the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment. Give to your poor and needy. Respect the elder. Have mercy on the younger. Be nice and keep in touch with your relatives. Protect your tongues. Cast down from what is not halāl (permissible) for your sights to see and what is not halāl for your ears to hear. Be compassionate and caring for the orphans of other people, so that your orphans would be taken care of and receive compassion. Repent from your sins. Raise your hands towards Him in du‘ā’ (supplication) during the hours of prayers. Those hours are the best hours, and Allāh looks at His servants with mercy; answers them if they ask for help; answers their call if they call upon Him; answers their du‘ā’ if they ask Him.

O people! Your souls are held hostage by your deeds. So let yourselves free by asking Allāh’s forgiveness.

Your backs are heavy with loads, so make it light by prolonging your sajdahs (prostrations). And know that Allāh has vowed to His Dignity that He would not punish those who pray and those who make sajdah. And He would not worry them with Fire on the day which people rise to the Lord of the Universe.

O people! Whoever feeds a fasting believer during this month, to Allāh, it is as if he has freed a slave. And his past sins are forgiven...

Whoever does one farīdah (obligatory deed) during this month, it is as if he has accomplished doing 70 good deeds in other months. Whoever increases sending blessings on me, Allāh will make his rewards heavy on the day when people’s rewards are light. Whoever recites one āyah (verse) of the Qur’ān will receive the reward of finishing the whole Qur’ān in other months.

O people! The gates of Heaven in this month are open, so ask your Lord not to close them on you. The doors of Hell are closed, so ask your Lord not to open them for you. The devils are in chains, so ask your Lord that they do not rule you.

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