Keith Olbermann Criticizes the Military Commissions Act
Length: 9:00.
Labels: current_events, multimedia, video
A blog on Islam, Muslims, spirituality, the Islamic movement,
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“In many African countries, including Angola, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) diamonds have been, and continue to be linked to terrible human rights abuses either by insurgent groups to fuel conflict and carry out atrocities against innocent civilians or by unscrupulous government who are equally brutal.”
Labels: human_rights, multimedia
Labels: spiritual
Labels: current_events, human_rights, Palestine
The church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has also spoken to humanity. They endeavor to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a prophet; his virgin Mother they also honor, and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead. For this reason they highly esteem an upright life and worship God, especially by way of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting. (Nostra Aetate, 28 October 1965)
We Christians joyfully recognize the religious values we have in common with Islam. Today I would like to repeat what I said to young Muslims some years ago in Casablanca: “We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God who created the world and brings his creatures to their perfection” (Insegnamenti, VIII/2, [1985], p.497, quoted during a general audience on May 5, 1999).
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“Does it harm the state when a woman wears a headscarf or not? We are not demanding the imposition of any particular dress on women, we are demanding public and personal freedom.”Rachid al-Ghanoushi
leading Tunisian Islamist
who lives in exile in London
Labels: current_events, human_rights, Islamic_movement
Labels: current_events, Palestine
Labels: technology
“Some individuals want us to place limits on freedom of expression. The university is legally obligated to protect speech on a content neutral basis. Inevitably the university must allow some speech that some may find offensive.Read more:
“UCI does not sponsor events encouraging intolerance. Indeed, while student and other groups may use our campus to espouse ideas that at times may be offensive, when they do so they are exercising their right to free speech.”
Labels: current_events, human_rights, Palestine
“Since Mongolia emerged from the shadow of the Soviet Union in 1991, the isolated Asian nation has applied the moniker of its favorite son to more than half a dozen brands of vodka and beer and a variety of other commercial products.Read more:
“The trend reflects the immense pride Mongolians feel about a man who established an empire that stretched across Asia all the way to central Europe in the early 13th century.
“While Genghis Khan is reviled in much of the world as a symbol of barbarism, Mongolians see him as a symbol of order and civilization. He is a touchstone of national identity in a nation sandwiched between Russia and China and wary of being swallowed up by either.”
Labels: current_events
It's hard to picture Haji Nasrat Khan as an international terrorist. For a start, the grey-bearded Afghan can barely walk, shuffling along on a three-wheeled walking frame. His sight is terrible - he squints through milky eyes that sometimes roll towards the heavens - while his helpers have to shout to make themselves heard. And as for his age - nobody knows for sure, not even Nasrat himself. “I think I am 78, or maybe 79,” he ventures uncertainly, pausing over a cup of green tea.Read more:
Yet for three and a half years the US government deemed this elderly, infirm man an “enemy combatant”, so dangerous to America’s security that he was imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay.
Labels: current_events, human_rights
Labels: current_events, human_rights, Palestine
Congress is full of some of the most corrupt people on Earth, whether Republican or Democrat. Leaders of the Republican party always try to portray themselves as people of family values, usually rooted in traditional, wholesome Chirstian beliefs. Their self-portrayal, however, is often in stark contradiction with their actions.
The events that have followed the Mark Foley scandal this week have revealed just how much hypocrisy exists in Washington. It has now been made public that several members of Congress knew that Foley was making sexual advances toward underage pages, including Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and House Majority Leader John Boehner.
Not one of them took appropriate action. They simply remained silent.
What is worse is that Boehner refuses to accept responsibility for his lack of action. He says that the Foley issue was Hastert’s responsibility. What kind of Congressional leader does that? What kind of leader of a party that claims family values would do such a thing?
Furthermore, Hastert claims that he accepts responsibility, but he refuses to resign. What does that mean? Does he admit fault or not?
These are the biggest bunch of hypocrites alive today.
Any one who knew about this Foley's sexual advances towards minors and did nothing needs to resign immediately, especially Hastert. The Washington Times, a conservative newspaper, seems to agree.
Read more:
Labels: current_events
General Assembly Resolution # 2006-001
Adopted Sep. 27th, 2006
Whereas, this wise body has been known to be one of strong moral and social conscience and has in the past supported justice and international law, and
Whereas, U.N General Assembly Resolution 194 resolves that the Holy Places - including
Whereas, U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194 further resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible, and
Whereas, many of faith, including but not limited to Palestinians, are denied free access to religious buildings and sites, and
Whereas, Palestinian refugees have still not been allowed to return to their homes and allowed the chance to live in peace with their neighbors and furthermore, most of their property has been either demolished or destroyed by
Whereas, the aforementioned situations prove that
Whereas, U.N Security Council Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from the territories occupied in the 1967 conflict and the termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force, and
Whereas, the State of Israel violates dozens of U.N. General assembly and Security Council Resolutions, causing conflict and suffering, and
Whereas, the territories of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank (including
Whereas, all of the aforementioned territories, except for the
Whereas, the Fourth Geneva Convention states that the occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into territories it occupies, and
Whereas, this is reaffirmed by U.N. Security Council Resolution 446, which states that "the policy and practices of
Whereas, the complete and conscious disregard for Palestinians living under occupation has resulted in excessive use of force leading to tremendous civilian casualties, curfews imposed on entire communities sometimes for weeks on end, state sanctioned destruction of the environment and agriculture of mostly Palestinian lands (often times to build illegal settlements in the
Whereas, numerous organizations around the world including but definitely not limited to Amnesty International, the United Nations, the
Whereas, during this 34 day aggression against
Whereas, the
Whereas, Raytheon, General Electric, United Technologies, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman are all directly involved in the Israeli occupation, military aggression and profit from many of
Whereas, the investments in these six companies alone are valued at over $12,000,000, and
Whereas, University policy states that if a particular issue regarding the investment portfolio "involves serious moral or ethical questions," then "an advisory committee consisting of members of the University Senate, students, administration and alumni will be appointed to gather information and formulate recommendations for the Regent's consideration."
Therefore be it Resolved, that the
Be it Further Resolved, that on behalf of the students at the
Be it Further Resolved, that until
Labels: current_events, Palestine
A politically inexperienced king takes control of a Middle Eastern monarchy from his powerful father, surrounds himself with U.S. military hardware and spies, loses touch with his people and is finally ejected in a popular uprising.
That was the tale of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, the pro-American ruler of Iran whose ouster ushered in the reign of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and three decades of Islamic rule.
Now many in this Arab country of more than 5 million people fear that a similar fate could befall King Abdullah II, the Jordanian monarch who assumed power after his charismatic father died in 1999.
"Until now in Amman we don't have a Khomeini," said one mid-ranking official serving the Jordanian Cabinet. "If there was a Khomeini, then this family would be in trouble."
Labels: current_events
Labels: current_events, Palestine
“I am increasingly convinced that the Bush administration has barred me for a much simpler reason: It doesn't care for my political views. In recent years, I have publicly criticized U.S. policy in the Middle East, the war in Iraq, the use of torture, secret CIA prisons and other government actions that undermine fundamental civil liberties.”...
“I donated to these organizations for the same reason that countless Europeans -- and Americans, for that matter -- donate to Palestinian causes: not to help fund terrorism, but because I wanted to provide humanitarian aid to people who desperately need it.”
“And yes, I believe we all have a right to dissent, to criticize governments and protest undemocratic decisions. It is certainly legitimate for European Muslims and American Muslims to criticize their governments if they find them unjust -- and I will continue to do so.”
“I fear that the United States has grown fearful of ideas. I have learned firsthand that the Bush administration reacts to its critics not by engaging them, but by stigmatizing and excluding them. Will foreign scholars be permitted to enter the United States only if they promise to mute their criticisms of U.S. policy? It saddens me to think of the effect this will have on the free exchange of ideas, on political debate within America, and on our ability to bridge differences across cultures.”
Labels: current_events, Islamic_movement