Hastert, Boehner Must Resign
Congress is full of some of the most corrupt people on Earth, whether Republican or Democrat. Leaders of the Republican party always try to portray themselves as people of family values, usually rooted in traditional, wholesome Chirstian beliefs. Their self-portrayal, however, is often in stark contradiction with their actions.
The events that have followed the Mark Foley scandal this week have revealed just how much hypocrisy exists in Washington. It has now been made public that several members of Congress knew that Foley was making sexual advances toward underage pages, including Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and House Majority Leader John Boehner.
Not one of them took appropriate action. They simply remained silent.
What is worse is that Boehner refuses to accept responsibility for his lack of action. He says that the Foley issue was Hastert’s responsibility. What kind of Congressional leader does that? What kind of leader of a party that claims family values would do such a thing?
Furthermore, Hastert claims that he accepts responsibility, but he refuses to resign. What does that mean? Does he admit fault or not?
These are the biggest bunch of hypocrites alive today.
Any one who knew about this Foley's sexual advances towards minors and did nothing needs to resign immediately, especially Hastert. The Washington Times, a conservative newspaper, seems to agree.
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